Category: AI

Meet the key players Who drive software development forward at Epona

AI at Legal IT events: “Stop FOMO, start thinking”

Microsoft is making legal departments measurably more efficient with AI

Legal professionals are faced with increasing challenges: more work, faster changes and more complex regulations. To keep up with this, more and more companies are turning to technology. Microsoft is leading the way in this by giving its legal department a major boost with AI and Microsoft Copilot. The outcome? “All in for AI.”

Prompts, prompt engineering, prompt library: what’s the deal with all that prompting?

In this blog, written by our AI specialist Floris Pauwels, we dive into the world of prompts, prompt engineering and how a prompt library contributes to better AI applications.

AI within Document Management Systems (DMS): three points to really watch out for

FOMO: that stands for Fear Of Missing Out. In short: the fear of missing out on something, and that is exactly what we see happening around AI right now

Roundtable discussion on AI in the legal profession: answers and insights

Recently, Tredion and Epona organised a roundtable discussion, where representatives from various law firms came together to discuss the future of artificial intelligence (AI) in the legal sector.

AI and the legal profession: what are law firms wracking their brains over?

At Epona, we love progress. Therefore, together with Tredion, we organised a round table discussion with lawyers and IT managers from Hertoghs Advocaten, Van Traa Advocaten, VDT Advocaten, AK Advocaten and more.

AI within Epona’s DMS: what do we do differently?

Our unique approach to data, privacy, permissions, costs, and co-pilots for legal professionals sets us apart from other providers. How we do that, you will read below.

AI prompts for a DMS: where do you start? A practical example

Prompt engineering is a crucial component when using AI to ensure the reliability and relevance of generated information.