Epona USA is pleased to announce multiple clients in full production using the Epona Contract Management System for Office365. The system utilizes reporting elements in Office365 along with some dashboarding and metadata application mapping to provide a simple, easy to use, and cost effective to deploy, Contract Management System.
When an employee, a lawyer, a purchasing agent saves a contract to the document management system in SharePoint (this can also be done without a formal document management system), they see immediately a Document Properties dialogue box. The user then inputs field values that are relevant to the contract such as the value, the expiration or renewal date, and more. These values are determined through the customization consulting process. Once the properties are added to the document, the Contract Management Dashboard area will add the contract to the dashboard based on desired criteria sets (expiring contracts in 90 days, etc.).
The user who saved the contract can save it anywhere within SharePoint or the DMS, and the system will find the contract and add it to the list of monitored contracts. Additionally, users can be notified by email about upcoming contract renewals, as well as received notification links to the actual contracts so they can kick off workflow processes to get the contracts process flowing.